Two, help and support North Korean refugees who are trying to escape to freedom.
When I was growing up in North Korea I never saw anything about love stories between men and women. No books, no songs翻譯社 no press no movies about love stories.
There is a saying in North Korea: “Women are weak翻譯社 but mothers are strong.” My mother allowed herself to be raped in order to protect me. North Korean refugees about 300,000 are vulnerable in China.
North Korean’s are being terrorized today.
北韓是個令人難以想像的世界。 你看我不就知道了
9歲時,她親眼目擊朋友的媽媽被公然處決,罪名是,「旁觀好萊塢片子」。 4歲時,她已知道,就連在家裡說話,都要小心。 13歲時,她和媽媽逃離北韓。看著媽媽在面前被生齒商人強姦。 委屈求全了兩年,她終於路經蒙古,逃出中國,到了南韓,獲得自由翻譯 我說她蠻正的耶 你看鉦昱翻譯社不就知道了 她的資訊 英文版(來曆︰這裡)
照片濫觞︰官網、FB。 (北韓和中國隔著鴨綠江相對,最近只有48公尺) 她的外表顯得越來越冷酷,心裏儲藏的火焰卻越來越熾烈。 這本書揭露了許多令人難以想像的細節,竟也帶到中國大陸的問題翻譯大部份的脫北婦女,是被生齒販子銷售給農村的獨身漢,讓那些沒有中國女孩想嫁的農村男人,也能成親成家翻譯甫脫北的北韓婦女,就像商品一樣,被一層層的生齒生意盤商抬高代價,終端「零售價」最少都有2,000美金以上翻譯 韓國有種說法,北邊出美男,南方出帥哥, 大師可以本身去看看喔~ People often ask me: How can we help North Koreans? There are many ways, but I would – I would like to mention three, for now.
You need – we need to focus less on the regime and more on the people who are being forgotten. One One Young World翻譯社 we are the ones who will make them visible. Fellow delegates, please join me as we make this a global movement to free North Koreans. 「正咩脫逃北韓後 成中國生齒販子情婦」之類的 -_- North Korea is indescribable. No humans deserve to be oppressed just because of their birthplace. One, educate yourself so you can raise awareness about the human rights crisis in North Korea. 就忍受一下看鉦昱翻譯社的破翻譯吧
沒有羅密歐與茱麗葉,所有的故事,都是關於金正日。 那時我感覺,只有星星和我們相依為命翻譯
那時,我們穿越沙漠沙漠,依著指南針而行。 不外韓國朋友也表示,感覺她的故事很驚人
2016.08.13更新 快滿14歲時,她成了另外一名生齒商人的情婦翻譯為了換得家人可以或許團圓。 鉦昱翻譯社感覺啃英文版的也OK 即便如斯,這市場仍是極大,中心的油水也多翻譯 當初度過鴨綠江的那個13歲女孩,為冬季可以或許吃到小黃瓜而激動,為商鋪裡竟擺滿商品而驚訝,連怎麼沖馬桶、過馬路要看旌旗燈號都得從頭進修的女孩,釀成了一位挽勸脫北婦女「嫁人」、把人類當成商品販賣的人蛇助手。 我很貼心已翻成中文,懶得看英文的話
When I was four years old, I was warned by my mother not to even whisper翻譯社 the birds and mice could hear me. I admit it: I thought the North Korean dictator could read my mind. 70% of North Korean women teenage girls are being victimized翻譯社 sometimes sold for as little as $200 dollara. We walked across the Gobi desert翻譯社 following a compass, when that stopped working we followed the stars to freedom. I felt only the stars were with us. 朋侪說知道啊 不外老實說我本身也是第一眼被她正度驚到 There is no Romeo and Juliet, every story was propaganda to promote about the Kim dictators. 我誕生於1993年翻譯在知道什麼是自由、什麼是人權之前,我的思惟早就被綁架了翻譯自由,是北韓人沒法實踐的胡想。 鉦昱翻譯社們需要世界列國,施加更多壓力予中國,停止遣返脫北者翻譯 以脫北者為主題的片子《48M》,個中渡江的場景(照片濫觞︰這裡) 逃離北韓時,我被迫目睹蛇頭強姦我媽翻譯蛇頭(幫助脫北的中國人)本來是看上了其時只有13歲的我…。」媽媽為了保護我,犧牲她自己翻譯 只會感覺這咩真正 我們,只是想活的像小我。 We need governments around the world to put – to put more pressure on China翻譯社 to stop repatriation. In particular, Chinese delegates of One Young World can play a part by speaking out.
14歲時,在鉦昱翻譯社們逃離北韓後,父親過世了。 North Korea is an unimaginable country, there is only one channel on TV, there is no internet, we aren’t free to sing, say, wear or think what we want. North Korea is the only country in the world that executed people for making unauthorized international phone calls. 小時刻,我從來不知何謂男女情愛。因為北韓沒有書、沒有歌、沒有報道也沒有電影,告知我什麼是「愛」翻譯 你看我不就知道了
My father died in China after we escaped North Korea and I had to bury him翻譯社 at 3 a.m in secret. I was 14 years old. I couldn’t even cry. I was afraid to be sent back to North Korea. The day I escaped North Korea, I saw my mother raped. The rapist was a Chinese broker. He targeted me. I was 13 years old.
不倫不類題外話︰ 另外奉上她在2014年第五屆世界青年魁首峰會的演講《一個脫北者的自述》的全文逐字稿。 部落格po長文,臉書po短文,內容毫不重覆,途經經過不要錯過! 我們必需要讓這世界上最黑暗的角落,透進一些光翻譯 並且我有去翻了此外脫北美男的自傳,都沒有她的活潑、扣人心弦 成效朋友回鉦昱翻譯社… 我個人做的作業還不夠多,沒太多資訊可以或許做判定
她把在北韓的童年、中國的掙扎求生、南韓的糊口,寫下來和所有人分享。 這不但與北韓人權相幹,而是,北韓專制者已辚轹了北韓人民七十年。 When I was crossing the Gobi desert翻譯社 scared of dying, I thought nobody in this world cared. It seemed that only the stars were with me. But you have listened to my story. You have cared, thank you very much. 我必需站出來…不是為了我本身,而是為了其他人發聲。
Three, petition China to stop repatriation. We have to shed light on the darkest place in the world. 人們常問我,該怎麼扶助北韓人呢?其實有許多體式格局,在這裡鉦昱翻譯社分享3種。
1. 知︰了解北韓有如許的人權危機。
3. 反︰要求中國停止遣返脫北者翻譯
I have to do – do this because this is not me speaking翻譯社 this is the people who wanted to tell the world what they want to say.
Mongolia was our freedom moment. Death or dignity. Armed with knives, we were prepared to kill ourselves if we were going to be sent back to North Korea. We wanted to live as humans.
9月底她的書《為了活下去》(暫譯)(英文原名為︰In order to live)出書。
中文版在2016年7月由大塊出書囉!中文書名就叫《為了活下去》 I was born in 1993 and I was abducted at birth even before I knew the words freedom or human rights. North Koreans are desperately seeking and dying for freedom at this moment. When I was 9 years old I saw my friends, mother publicly executed, her crime watching a Hollywood movie. Expressing doubt about the greatness of the regime can get three generations of a family imprisoned or executed. It isn’t just North Korean human rights it’s our rights that the North Korean dictators have violated for seven decades. 即刻扣問韓國伴侶(男的)欸欸欸翻譯公司知不知道她
在中國守候自由機會的那兩年,她為了保存,學會中文,學會化粧服裝。 抵達蒙古時,我們終於自由了。鉦昱翻譯社們隨身攜帶小刀,決定,若是被遣送回北韓的話,那就自殺。